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Safeguarding Commitment

The Archdiocese is committed to safeguarding everyone involved in its activities, ministries, and services and has zero tolerance for all forms of abuse.

The safety and wellbeing of children and adults-at-risk is paramount.

If you want to talk with someone about a safeguarding concern or make a safeguarding report please contact the Local Safeguarding Representative (below) or the Safeguarding Service.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

Local Safeguarding Representative

Ronda Vorrasi

The Local Safeguarding Representative for the Cannon Hill Catholic Parish is responsible for:

  1. Making sure that the whole Parish is aware of the importance of safeguarding children and adults-at-risk;
  2. Promoting safe practices including articulating for others what is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour; and
  3. Assisting the Parish Administrator in the implementation of "The Archdiocesan Safeguarding Children and Adults-At-Risk Policy" in the Parish.

Local Safeguarding Representative: Ronda Vorrasi

Phone: 0494 166 815 (any time)

Email: sa******************@bn*.au

Safeguarding Children and Adults-At-Risk

Children are a gift from God with an intrinsic right to dignity of life, respect and security from physical and emotional harm.  They are to be treasured, nurtured and safeguarded from harm by all.

The Archdiocese of Brisbane has zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and is committed to safeguarding everyone involved in its activities, ministries, and services. The safety and wellbeing of children and adults-at-risk is paramount.

Archdiocesan Safeguarding Children & Adults-At-Risk Prevention & Protection Policy -
Safeguarding Policy - safeguarding-policy.pdf
Incident Report Form - safeguarding-incident-report-form-aob-ver-20190722.pdf


To report any incidents, please fill in an Incident Report Form.

These are located at the entry of both St Oliver Plunkett and Holy Family Churches or can be downloaded and emailed to sa**********@bn*.au.

Incident Report Form - safeguarding-incident-report-form-aob-ver-20190722.pdf

STOPline Service

STOPline is an independent commercial service that receives confidential information and reports about suspected abuse, harm, policy breaches and other serious misconduct by Archdiocesan workers including priests, religious, employees, and volunteers.

Information can be shared anonymously.

Phone: 1300 304 550

Email: AO*@st******.au


SpotLine QR Code
SpotLine QR Code


The Archdiocese of Brisbane is committed to fostering a culture where people are encouraged to raise concerns and can do so safely.

The Archdiocese strongly encourages anyone who suspects criminal conduct by Archdiocesan personnel to report the matter directly to the Queensland Police Service.

Criminal Offence – Failure to Report Belief of Child Sexual Offence

(Criminal Code – Section 229BC)

In Queensland, an adult commits a crime if they:

  • have a reasonable belief that another adult;
  • is committing (in the present) or has committed (in the past) a child sexual offence; and
  • the adult fails to disclose the information to a police officer as soon as reasonably practicable;
  • unless they have a reasonable excuse for not reporting it to the police.

(Maximum penalty – 3 years imprisonment)

** If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm, contact the police directly and without delay. **

The Archbishop speaks:

Play Video

Other Contacts

Office for Safeguarding Services

Phone: 07 3324 3752

Email: sa**********@bn*.au

Office of Legal, Governance & Risk

Phone: 07 3324 3575

Email: ch*************@bn*.au

Queensland Police Service

Emergency: 000

Non-emergency ‘PoliceLink’: 131 444


Child Safety Services

After Hours Service Centre: 1800 177 135

Safeguarding QR Code
Safeguarding QR Code

Privacy Act

The privacy of all individuals with whom the Cannon Hill Catholic Parish interacts is very important to us and we are committed to protecting all personal information we collect and hold.

As part of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, we must abide by and adhere to the requirements of the Privacy Act 7 The Australian Privacy Principles.

Get In Touch With Us

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or would like to learn more about our services, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated team is here to assist you.

Give Tithes and Offerings

Your generosity can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. By making a donation to Cannon Hill Catholic Parish, you directly contribute to the growth and flourishing of our community and the continuation of our vital ministries.

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