Welcome to our Parish!
Thank you for seeking information about your child's Baptism and your desire to be part of our Parish community.
The following information is intended to assist you in your preparation for the most important and joyful event of your child's life.
We encourage you to take some time to reflect on what Baptism means to you, to consider what connection you would like to have with the Catholic Church and what faith connection you would like for your family through the Church.
Sacraments Explained
A Sacrament uses signs that we can sense to tell us something about God's love and care for us, and about how this is shared with us in the Church. Baptism is the way that we formally and faithfully welcome a person into oneness with Jesus Christ and therefore, with His family, His Body, the Church here on earth today.
Baptism is the first of the seven Sacraments of our Catholic Church. The main signs that we use in the celebration of Baptism are blessed water and oil, a white garment and a candle lit from the Paschal / Easter candle of Christ. This is accompanied by words, scripture and the signing with the cross.
Role of Parents
Parents are normally the people who present their child to the Church for Baptism.
With infants and young children, the Church proceeds to offer the gift of Baptism based on the faith of their parents. This faith is affirmed during the Baptism ceremony.
The parents and Godparents commit to living and practising the Christian faith in full, and to pass on this practice to the child through their words, deeds, values and way of life.
Although very young children do not understand the importance of this sacrament, it is important that they have opportunities to learn what it means to be Christian, and that once Baptised, they are part of the Church community.
Role of Godparents
Godparents are a vital part of every Baptism. They are people whom you choose to support you and your child on God's behalf.
They are your child's 'other parents', over the age of 16 years, who have been Baptised and Confirmed in the Catholic faith.
There are usually two Godparents, one of each gender, but there may be more if that is desired.
Godparents are to be people who live the Christian faith within our Catholic tradition which is the tradition of faith into which your child will be Baptised. Please choose your Godparents carefully as they will be with you, your family and your child for the rest of their lives.
They will be active in supporting you and your child by friendship, word and example in living the gift of faith in Christ and His Gospel that Baptism celebrates and hands on.
Baptism Preparation
Baptism Preparation is held on the first Monday of the month in which your child is to receive Baptism.
The Preparation Session is held at 6.30pm in the Parish Hall at St Oliver Plunkett Church, Cannon Hill.
Welcoming Mass & Baptismal Celebration
Baptisms are generally held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month from February to mid-December.
On the chosen day for Baptism, the child's family gather at 9.15am in the church foyer to be greeted by the Priest and the child is then welcomed into the Parish community during the 9.30am Mass.
Extended families and friends are also invited to attend the 9.30am Mass and there is a special children's space available in the church for toddlers.
The Baptism celebration follows Mass at 10.45am.
First Steps
In preparation for your child's Baptism please complete the forms below and return them to the Parish Office.
Take some time to discuss your responses with your partner. Consider not only the importance of Baptism, but each other's feelings and perspectives towards faith, and what connection to the Church you want for your family.
Completing these questions will form the basis for a general discussion at the Baptismal preparation. Pleased be assured there are no right or wrong responses. May this experience draw you closer to Jesus and His way of living, and bind you more fully to His people, the Church.
Please call the parish office Tuesday - Friday, 9.00am - 2.30pm to book a date for the Baptism.
Below are the forms that need to be completed:
- Family Information - Mothers, please put both your maiden AND married names.
- Family Law - This form MUST be signed by BOTH parents. An original copy is required. Please attach to the submitted forms and bring the original to the preparation session.
- Father - Father's questionnaire.
- Mother - Mother's questionnaire.
- Birth Certificate - A COPY of your child's Birth Certificate.
- Baptism Certificate for at least one parent.
- Baptism certificate for at least one godparent.
Once the forms have been completed, either scan and email ([email protected]), post or bring the forms to the parish office.
A fee of $50.00 per family applies for Baptisms. This is to cover administrative and material costs.
Once the payment has been made please EMAIL a copy to:
[email protected]
or add a PRINTED copy to the forms to be submitted.
Payment can be made online HERE
You will also be given an envelope in the package you will receive at the Preparation session. It is customary to make a cash donation to the Priest presiding at the Sacrament. We thank you in advance for this gift.
Cannon Hill Catholic Parish
Parish Administrator: Rev Fr Vasanthan Anthonipillai OMI
Parish Secretary: Norma Martiri
Administration Support Officer /
Sacramental Program Coordinator: Ronda Vorrasi
Parish Office:
Parish Phone: (07) 3899 2837
Office Hours: 9am to 2:30pm Tuesday to Friday
Enquire now
Please send your interest by contacting the parish by using the form below.
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